What are the 25 most popular GI Joe characters?
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Here's a list of 25 popular G.I. Joe characters of all time, based on their enduring popularity and impact within the G.I. Joe franchise:
- Snake Eyes
- Duke
- Cobra Commander
- Scarlett
- Storm Shadow
- Roadblock
- Baroness
- Destro
- Gung-Ho
- Lady Jaye
- Flint
- Zartan
- Shipwreck
- Firefly
- Stalker
- Beach Head
- Snake-Eyes (Commando)
- Cover Girl
- Major Bludd
- Tomax and Xamot
- Snake-Eyes (Ninja-Ku)
- Quick Kick
- Spirit
- Serpentor
- Dr. Mindbender
These characters have left a lasting impression on fans of G.I. Joe through various media such as comics, cartoons, and action figures. They represent a diverse array of specialties, affiliations, and personalities that have contributed to the enduring popularity of the G.I. Joe franchise.
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